Our long time partners in Nova Scotia environmental issues, the Ecology Action Centre has published the following press release that will be of interest to TREPA members.
EAC welcomes NS wetland Conservation Policy
The Ecology Action Centre welcomes the arrival of the Nova Scotia Wetlands Conservation Policy. The NS Wetland Conservation Policy was promised in 2007, as part of the Environmental Goals and Sustainable Prosperity Act, and was to be completed by December 2009. The Centre believes the new policy is a significant improvement in wetland protection over the previous approach. “Healthy wetlands provide clean drinking water, slow coastal erosion, protect against storm surges, and are important wildlife habitat.” says Jennifer Graham, Coastal Coordinator at the Ecology Action Centre. “We support this approach because it promotes avoiding wetland loss and requires compensation for wetland damage.” The EAC appreciates that the new policy commits to no further loss of ecologically significant wetlands, such as salt marshes, as well as the requirement that wetland professionals be involved in assessing wetland boundaries and functions However, the Centre is concerned that no permits are required for altering wetlands less than 100 square metres or narrower than 10 metres. “We don’t want to see death by a 1000 cuts”, says Graham “one pond filled in over here, a driveway through a wetland over there, and before you know it, we’ve lost the last intact wetland in the entire area.” The Centre hopes that despite the 22 month delay in delivering the new Wetland Conservation Policy, the province is serious about wetland protection and will move forward with other recommendations in the policy such as updating the provincial wetland inventory, and increasing education for landowners and developers about the value and significance of wetlands.
For further information: Jennifer Graham, Coastal Coordinator, Ecology Action Centre, HYPERLINK “mailto:coastal@ecologyactino.ca”coastal@ecologyactino.ca phone: 442-5046.
Also see: http://www.gov.ns.ca/nse/wetland/