Our hemlock trees are in serious trouble. The culprit is an aphid relative, the hemlock woolly adelgid, and currently, our end of the province is the most at threat.
Our future might look something like this.
Find out more at 7:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 13. TREPA will be sponsoring a talk by Ron Neville, Plant Health Survey Biologist of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives, 22 Collins Street, Yarmouth. All welcome.
UPDATE: Talk has been postponed due to forecast inclement weather. New date TBA.
Other sessions, organized by MTRI, will happen in Shelburne March 13, Weymouth March 20, and points further up the line at other dates. Check out www.merseytobeatic.ca for times and locations of the other sessions.
Questions? Contact John Sollows at 742-2802.