TREPA assists the NS Nature Trust

by: Margrit Robinson
On Sunday, August 11, 6 TREPA members assisted the NSNT with a beach-clean at the Crow Neck Beach near Baccaro, Shelburn County. A part of this beach is going to be a new Nature Reserve. The beach is one of the nesting sites of the endangered Piping Plovers. Several pairs nested this year and raised a few chicks successfully. The Piping Plover Beach “Police”, a summer student, had marked the nest sites with signs warning people about the nests and asking for help not to disturb them. General instructions were on the panel at the beginning of the beach access: keep dog on the leash; no motorized vehicles; no litter and do not feed wildlife; from mid-April to end of August: walk on the wet sand (no nests there); stay away from nest indicating signs.

About 20 people picked up garbage (close to 40 lobster traps, ropes, old oil bottles), then feasted on the provided sandwiches. About 30 people were present for the nature talk and walk. On the way back we collected the nest indicating signs as the Piping Plovers had all left.

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