November minutes

Tusket River Environmental Protection Association

Board of Directors Meeting

November 13, 2019


Present: Dan Earle, John Sollows, Jean Cleveland, Barrie MacGregor, John Morris, Nicola Roberts-Fenton, Roy Fudge, Debbie Sullivan,

Regrets: Dianne Klomp, Jennifer Cunningham, Eko Raharjo, Ginny Smith, Mike Raynard

Agenda: A few items were added to the agenda. It was moved by Dan, seconded by Jean Cleveland and carried that the agenda be approved as amended. 

Minutes: It was moved by Roy seconded by Dan and carried that the minutes of the last meeting be approved as distributed. 

Finance Report: A comprehensive financial report had been circulated prior to the meeting by the treasurer. It was moved by Roy, seconded by John and carried that the financial report be approved as amended. 

Executive Director’s Report: To be covered under agenda items 

Old Business

  1. Carleton River Water Quality Monitoring: Finished up in October, however Salmon River Lake and Raynard’s Lake not in yet. 
  2. Summer Student: There may be an outstanding amount payable to WCB, to be verified with treasurer.
  3. Tree Seed Collection: Sara Adams came, did not find any Black Ash only European Ash. 
  4. Executive Director’s tasks: (John’s Future) Reviewed previously distributed list of tasks, and most were delegated amongst the executive. 
  5. Op Eds: Barrie has noted a few opportunities for future Op Eds

New Business: 

  1. Volunteer strategy: A request had been received to help volunteering with a regional body. An email was received from Jeffie McNeil, but lacks a definitive request, no action will be taken until a clearer request is received
  2. Oyster Aquaculture and Eel Grass: It was generally agreed that this would be a good topic for presentation at the AGM in 2020. 
  3. CRK Allan Reserve: Visit is done once a year by Barrie and Roy.
  4. Association Goals: 
    1. Organize public presentations; The recent Solar Nova Scotia presentation was considered a success, possible follow up event. Also interest in topics such as climate change, shoreline loss and Waste Check.
    2. Keep lines of communication with all levels of government and other bodies to mandate to ours; This is a reactive process that multiple members of the executive currently execute by writing letters/emails.
    3. Develop relevant policies that would have an impact.
  1. Avalon: Avalon indicated that it is still working on the project and will keep TREPA posted on any future developments. 
  2. Lori Murphy: 2-hour meeting on Friday November 15, 2019 if anyone can make it.

Next meeting: December 4th at 7:00 pm at Beacon Church pending availability. 

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm. 

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