A variety of news items

Several new items have come to the surface as news you might like to know so it is all being shared right here.

Membership time

It’s that time of  year again when we all re-new (or start) our memberships to support our favourite organizations. We are sure that TREPA is one of yours. Throughout the year we keep track of and take action on many environmental issues of interest to you. Activities are frequently reported here. Please help us maintain our vigilance by sending $10 membership fee to TREPA, Box 103, Tusket BS B0W 3M0.  Your help keeps us going. Please include you name, address and e-mail so that you may receive your tax receipt.

AGM announced

Our AGM is on April 15th at the Lake Vaughn Firehall. It will start with finger foods at 6:30 with the meeting and election of officers at 7:00. Hope to see you there.

Facebook group

We now have a TREPA Facebook page. Just go to Facebook, search on TREPA, and do a “like” to get regular reports and opportunity to participate directly with your comments and ideas. Encourage your friends to “like” as well to build our support.


April 18th is the day for FreeCycle at the Beacon Church. FreeCycle is the opportunity for you to get rid of or get used, but workable, electronic equipment — old monitors, computers, TVs, phones, touch pads, musical devices, etc. If you have something to recycle  (reuse) bring it to the church hall between 9 and 10 am. If you want to get something, and we never know what will be there, come in between 10 and 11 am. There is usually an anxious line by 10 waiting to come in so be there early. Any items left at 11 am are taken to the recycle centre.

Lobster draw

The annual Lobster draw activity is on right now. You will be able to buy tickets in local establishments on days to be announced. But, better, we have included the tickets right here. All you need to do is drag the tickets to your desktop and print off the sheet for your use or to pass on to friends. Just fill it out and send it with a cheque to TREPA Lobster, Box 103, Tusket NS, B0W 3M0. Many of our members just write one check for their membership renewal and the tickets. You have a pretty good chance of winning 15 pounds of lobster in May.

Lobster Draw

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