Aquaculture regulatory framework hearing – Yarmouth

The Nova Scotia Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture has established an independent two-person Panel, consisting of Professors Meinhard Doelle and William Lahey of Dalhousie University, to develop a regulatory framework for aquaculture in Nova Scotia.

The Panel will lead the development of this framework through a process that is independent, transparent, consultative, collaborative, analytically rigorous and evidence-based. The outcome of this initiative will be a regulatory framework that meet the highest standards of effectiveness while balancing the interests of industry, other marine users, local communities, and environmental protection.

Commencing on July 15 there will be meetings held throughout Nova Scotia and it is important that citizens attend.

The Yarmouth meeting will be on July 30th., both afternoon and evening sessions, at the Rodd Grand Hotel.

Information on the panel and meeting dates can be found at:

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